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Omron Blood Pressure Cuff Reviews
Home blood pressure monitoring is very useful and important in detecting health problems such as irregular heartbeat and morning high blood pressure also known medically as morning hypertension. Blood pressure cuffs play an irrevocable role in ensuring the attainment of correct, consistent and accurate blood pressure readings whether low or high. Apart from having the wrong cuff size, one of the leading reasons behind false and inaccurate measurements is not knowing how to take blood pressure and having a poor blood pressure monitor brand. Omron blood pressure monitors are arguably the best monitors in town along side other recognized names such as Lifesource, Relion, Microlife and Samsung blood pressure monitors. Unlike the finger blood pressure monitor which has since declined in regular use, wrist blood-pressure monitors such as the Wristech blood pressure monitor and upper arm blood pressure monitors still depend on high quality cuffs which usually come in sizes 9"-13" and 13"-17". The Omron blood pressure cuff replacement series comes in sizes small, medium and large. The Omron small replacement cuff is designed for people with arm circumference sizes of 15-22cm. The large cuff is bigger than the medium cuff size and is for individuals with arm circumference 32-42cm. Omron H-003D Large Adult Replacement Cuff
The cuff cannot be used with any other blood pressure monitor even if that other monitor is an Omron model. Using with any other model will produce misleading and inaccurate results. This H-003D replacement cuff has earned some good reviews and ratings from different users. On average it has 4 out of 5 thumps up review stars and costs $30.00 or less from major online suppliers. The following is a list of positive review highlights submitted by different users;
Omron H-003DS Small Adult Replacement Cuff
Using a cuff on a wrong monitor will result in wrong readings both systolic and diastolic readings including the heart rate function. The H-003Ds model is shipped in a package with two contents namely the cuff itself and the tubing connecting the cuff to the monitor. There is need to accurately measure your arm circumference before purchasing a replacement cuff to ensure your size is 7" to 9" catered for by this particular cuff. A blood pressure cuff that is too small and therefore tight will inflate readings whilst a loosely fitting cuff will deflate readings either way resulting in inaccurate readings. Omron Blood Pressure Cuff - Standard Replacement Cuff H-CR17
The H-CR17 model is available for purchase from Amazon for a little under $30.00. It can be found for even less elsewhere. It is normally purchased by individuals with damaged or worn out cuffs as it is supplied as a regular cuff in new blood pressure monitor orders. Omron Blood Pressure Cuff - ComFit Replacement Cuff H-CL22
In terms of pricing the cuff sells for about $30.00 on various online stores. Some users have given the cuff model thumbs up by reporting perfect working order a year after purchase to replace a worn out cuff. Return to Omron Blood Pressure Monitors from Omron Blood Pressure Cuff
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