What Causes High Blood Pressure |
In 90 to 95% of cases the cause of high blood pressure is unknown. Work in the medical world is still underway to determine the causes of essential hypertension. Secondary hypertension causes are known and often relate to underlying medical conditions. Follow links under this section for topics related to this broad topic.
How To Treat Hypertension |
Hypertension treatment does not only involve drugs but in most cases relies on lifestyle modifications as far reaching as quitting smoking, drinking and eating a specially prepared diet.
Hypertension Symptoms | In most cases high blood pressure is a clueless silent killer that operates without giving a hint until its late. This makes it absolutely necessary for individuals to constantly keep a pulse on own blood pressure measurements on a regular basis.
Hypertension Medications |
Anti-hypertensive drugs vary in number and in type. They are designed to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients and come with different effects and purposes. They are usually applied with reference to much valued hypertension guidelines.
Hypertension Diet | Hypertension treatment approaches value the importance of lifestyle modifications via day to day diet. Follow links for in depth article discussions.
Blood Pressure Equipment|Home monitors come in different brands with differentiating technology. Price and ratings vary according to brand yet their role in blood pressure management cannot be disputed.